Software Development & Web Development
You would like to have a software developed?
You would like to create a web application that represents your company optimally and fits the needs of your customers to 100%? Or are you looking for a business software that helps you to improve your performance by simplifying your business processes? Being an IT agency for software development and web development in Cologne, Germany, we are your specialists when it comes to online applications, website creation or software development. In our references you can find examples of individual business applications.
Which projects are suitable for software development?
Processes containing individual process steps that interact with other software systems by, for example, exchanging data or initializing further processes in these systems (e.g. a ordering system that checks stocks in the background and can forward an order to various locations)
A system, or parts of it, should be publicly accessible (e.g. a club administration where members can view and edit some of their own data and cooperate with each other in certain areas).
There are special requirements for data security (e.g. an application that places such high demands on data security that data is stored encrypted in the database).
Areas with processes that shall be completely automated should be covered (e.g. automatic price comparison of products from different suppliers).
Processes have unusual requirements for which no ready-made software solution exists (e.g. a portal for film festivals that allows film producers to manage and upload their own films and to contact film distributors).

Why should you let us develop a software?
In any area where recurring processes occur, using and developing software that fits these processes perfectly can make the work faster and more effective, so it often makes sense to have individual software developed.
Existing systems reach their limits
In order to start quickly without high costs this is often initaly implemented by using standard products. For example, data and tasks are managed in spreadsheet programs like Excel. This approach may work well for simple, isolated processes, but can quickly get problematic for linked and/or more complex processes. Especially if the number of processes is increasing or if many employees work together on them, you quickly lose the overview and the desire for a uniform system appears.
Therefore there are a number of products that are specialized in supporting workflows.
With some effort this “ready-made software” can often be partially adapted to individual needs, and can be the best solution for a company.
Specific needs
However, this approach reaches its limits in many cases and often a lot of time and money is invested in adapting the purchased software. In this cases the development of an individual business software, that fits these special needs perfectly, simplifies your processes and is developed with as little effort as possible may be the better alternative.
- Which work processes should be mapped by the programmed business software?
- What do the current work processes look like?
- Are there work processes that can be completely automated?
- Are user interfaces required and/or is integration by a third party system desired?
- In which environment should the software be used?
- Does every employee have the same role and position or is a software with a rights and role administration required?
Contact us
Tell us about your idea and we will be happy to advise you!
Executive Director
Product Owner
The advantages of web applications
During the development we provide a test system in which intermediate results are presented and adjusted. Employees can get in tough with the new system here. This also So on this dentify and solve misplanning or misunderstandings at an early stage.
The software we create is based on current web technologies and is therefore also called a web application. This allows both test and production systems to be centrally managed. As a clear advantage, the software is available to the employees via a browser without installation on the respective operating system and does not have to be updated there to be able to use new components.
If it is necessary, e. g. for data security reasons, the system can also be installed on a server in the company network, of course.