Physio-Deutschland Website
Implementation of the main association website of the German Association for Physiotherapy (ZVK) based on TYPO3 and Apache-Solr.
Client: German Association for Physiotherapy (ZVK) e.V.
URL: https://www.physio-deutschland.de/
Activities: Conception, development, project management, hosting
Sector: Beauty & Healthcare
Technologies: Typo3, Solr, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Added value for regional and national associations
As the leading association with several tens of thousands of members and more than ten regional associations, the German Association for Physiotherapy (ZVK) e. V. poses several challenges for the joint Internet presence.
Thanks to a comprehensive authorization concept, each regional association can autonomously import members and manage content in its own area, but content can also be shared.
Thus, the internet presence combines the advantages of an independent organisation of the national associations with the added value and advantages of a common platform.